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LURPE Natural Solutions


The soil, that thin layer clothing the Earth’s surface, has meticulously formed over centuries through the decomposition of rocks, influenced by water, temperature, and wind. This complex mantle hosts minerals, organic matter, microorganisms, as well as air and water, crucial elements for life.
  • Minerals: These components, essential for plant nutrition, come from the erosion of rocks, gradually disintegrated by elements and microorganisms, or dispersed by wind and water.
  • Organic Matter: Vital for moisture retention and rich in nutrients, this substance comes from the decomposition of plant and animal remains.
  • Microorganisms: An invisible army of fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms tirelessly works in the decomposition and transformation of organic matter, enriching the soil.
  • Soil Fauna: Insects and worms play a crucial role in the soil ecosystem. They assist in organic matter decomposition, improve soil structure by aerating the soil and facilitating water infiltration, benefiting plant growth.
  • Water and Air: These vital elements fill the pores between soil particles, directly influencing its structure and, hence, the plant’s ability to root and grow.
Soil is not just a resource; it’s a vibrant ecosystem essential for life on our planet, housing thousands of life forms and maintaining a delicate balance we must protect.

The formation of soil: a slow but constant miracle

The creation of soil is a testament to nature’s patience, resulting from the continuous interaction between rocks, climate, and plant and microbial life. This process enriches and diversifies the soil, preparing it to support life.

The diversity of soil: a world beneath our feet

The nature of soil varies greatly, influenced by the type of parent rock, climate, and vegetation cover. From sandy to clay soils, each type has unique characteristics determining its texture, structure, and capacity to support plant life.

Soil fertility: the foundation of growth

Fertility is based on the soil’s ability to provide water and nutrients to plants, a synergy of factors including moisture retention, aeration, and the absence of contaminants. Sustainable management, like crop rotation and nutrient replenishment, is crucial to maintaining this vitality.

Preservation of soil: a commitment to the future

Facing challenges such as erosion, it’s imperative to adopt practices like cover cropping, terrace building, and crop rotation to protect this invaluable resource. Replenishing organic matter and nutrients is essential in this mission to conserve soil health and fertility. Caring for the soil transcends agriculture; it’s fundamentalfor our planet’s health and future generations’ well-being. Protecting soil is protecting our common home.
Share your experience Soil is a world to discover.
Share your experiences, and let’s learn together about the foundation on which our plants stand.

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